Monday, October 27, 2008

Vegan MoFo: Sublicious!

Ha ha. So 4 stores and the bank (and $180) later, I got home and chilled for a bit. Then D got home (he's listening to Rush Limbaugh now...yeah...) and he was uber hungry, so what did I make with my (mostly) healthy haul? Subs! I had a hankering for some of those yummy oven baked subs my momma used to make. I put turkey & cheese on D's, just cheese on my son's; and then I piled all of them up with mushrooms, onions, cucumbers, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, guac and Italian dressing (on mine; ranch on the boys'). That turkey stank. I could barely touch it. I am over meat forever. But I'm not gonna lie, I missed real cheddar a little. I'll get over that too, I'm sure. When I ate my sub, it was phenomenal. I am so happy now...I'll probably make these every day til I run out of sub buns!!! Mmmm new favorite thing of the moment!!

1 comment:

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

Your sub sounds pretty delicious!